College Principal’s Report

Planning for Pathways
Term 3 is an exciting time at Mill Park Secondary College, as for many students they begin to look forward to what their programs, courses and pathways will be in 2023. I was pleased to see so many students and families at our recent Senior Campus Information night on Wednesday 20 July. For our current Year 9 and Year 10 students it was a chance to consider the options for their studies as they move into the final years of school. It was so impressive to see the thoughtful and mature way that the young people present engaged with the teachers and staff who were there to support them. Naturally there will still be lots of questions, and if these have not been answered in either Pastoral sessions, through interviews with the careers team, or though using the fantastic handbook which is now available on our website then I encourage you to contact us here at school. These are big decisions, but they should also be positive ones and there is lots of support here to help.
Our current Year 8 students will have an opportunity to attend school with their families for the Year 9 Information evening (2022) on 22 August at the Middle Years campus. More information will be available as we draw closer to the date.
Feedback / Reporting
I am hoping that all families have now had an opportunity to download and review their child’s reports for Semester 1. Semester Reports are an important piece of information to inform how a student is progressing in their studies, and more importantly, to identify the steps and strategies which will assist them to show growth in their learning as they move forwards. Students should be discussing this with their teachers, and the Student Agency Conferences are a great opportunity to do this. Based on parent feedback we have moved to adjust the timing of these conferences during the day to ensure that working families are better able to attend. We have also maintained the online format based on positive feedback from 2021. I trust that discussions at these conferences will be positive and productive, and I encourage you to contact the school if you need additional information or have questions or comments regarding your child after speaking with their teachers. For our Year 12 students they are entering the final weeks of classes before the trial exams and their study break. Ensure that they get the feedback that they need from their teachers to make the most of this precious time!
COVID-19 Safety
As you will be aware from my communication earlier this term, we have received advice from the Department of Education, making clear that students and staff are strongly advised to wear masks whilst indoors at school. Although there is no mandate or rule around this, I am seeking your support in having a discussion at home with the young people in your lives about why mask wearing may be a positive decision for them to make. This is certainly a discussion we are having here at school with both students and staff. Wearing a facemask indoors reduces the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and other winter illnesses. In his means lowering the risk of becoming ill and having to spend time away from the classroom as either a teacher or a student. You will understand the level of disruption that covid is currently causing in your workplaces and business and it is also having a big impact on continuity here at school. As mentioned above, for some of our students this time is increasingly precious so please consider the benefits of taking this step that will help the whole community.
School Review
As a College we are subject to a review every four years to reflect on our progress towards targets set for improvement and to identify the next steps that will help us build stronger outcomes for our students. This review has been completed with the assistance of external staff including a School Reviewer, experienced Principals form other secondary schools and Members of School Council. The review was able to identify clear areas under the banners of student learning, student engagement and student wellbeing where concrete strategies could be put in place to support our students. These will now be developed into a four-year School Strategic Plan, and I look forward to providing you with more information about this plan when it is finalised. I would like to thank all our students, staff and parents who contributed to this important process for our school community.
Student Agency Conferences
Student Agency Conferences will run on Tuesday 2 August 2022 from 11am-7pm via Webex. Please be advised that this is Student-Free day from school.
You are able to book in your conferences currently through Sentral, bookings will close at 11:59pm on Monday 1 August.
Tim Natoli
College Principal