College Principal’s Report

NAPLAN results have recently been released and I am pleased to say that the performance of our students against this assessment in 2023 is very positive. At both Year 7 and Year 9 our students are performing very close to, or above the state average and this is an improvement on previous years. NAPLAN is just one assessment; however, it shows that our students are highly capable. The new format of NAPLAN reports also makes it easier for families to identify where their child may need additional support. Many students across our school are receiving this support and I encourage all families to make contact with the school if they believe their child would benefit. Literacy and Numeracy skills underpin success across all areas of learning, and in life after school. We will continue to focus on this as a College, but I congratulate all students in Year 7 and 9 on their efforts and of course their teachers who have supported them in their learning.
Friday August 25 is ‘Wear it Purple Day’ and it is great to see a range of students and staff wearing purple accessories to school to celebrate. Mill Park Secondary College is committed to being a welcoming and inclusive school community, regardless of race, religion, sexuality or gender. The identity of students should not be a factor in their feeling safe at school, but unfortunately this is not always the case. Wear It Purple Day raises awareness of these issues, in particular for LGBTQI students. We are flying the rainbow ‘Pride’ flag on both Campuses to acknowledge this, and I congratulate our school student leaders who have supported this day and supported their peers.
You may have driven past the Middle Years Campus and seen our fantastic Performing Arts Centre slowly taking shape. It will be an amazing facility for the college, and every day is seeing progress. I am still on a high after seeing our College Production, Rock of Ages, and it is great to know that our very talented students in Music, Dance and Drama will finally have the facilities they deserve. I look forward to sharing images of the theatre and facilities as we move closer to completion in February 2024.
You will have received an email with details of the Parent / Caregiver Opinion survey last week, and a follow-up will be communicated this week and next week. If you could take time to complete this survey it would be much appreciated. Your feedback is important to our school and in combination with feedback from students and staff it has a direct impact on our direction going forwards. Of course, we are open to feedback from families at any time and I encourage you to reach out to me or the school should you have any reflections that you think are important for us to hear. We are committed to being as best we can be as a school and your voice matters.
Finally, I would like to wish our Senior students all the best as they move into the busiest time of their Year 12 – finalising their assessments as they prepare for their trial exams during the term break. We know that it is tough and that you are under pressure, but we have your back. Your efforts are inspiring, and each week gets you closer to a successful end to your final year.