College Principal’s Report

I can’t believe that it is nearly the end of Term 3, but when I look back and reflect on just how much we have packed into the month of August at both campuses of our College it is easy to understand why.
Production Week is always fantastic, but this year there was something particularly special about being able to see our students on stage in our brand new Performing Arts Centre. The quality of the performances from such a large cast, band and crew was outstanding, and the audience was buzzing as we left the auditorium. I know the level of work behind the scenes that went into making this event happen and I would like to publicly acknowledge the leadership and dedication shown by the Production Team: Zoe Arsana, Wendy Nagel, Michael Kneebone, Gina Palamara and Liam Gooding were all pivotal to getting this off the ground. Well done to everyone involved. We are now focused on Song and Dance Night on 18 October, and this will give our school community another occasion to come together and celebrate the talent and commitments of our students in the performing arts. I can’t wait!
I would also like to congratulate the efforts of our senior students – in particular our Year 12s – as they progress to their final weeks of classes and examinations in Term 4. Year 12 can sometimes feel like a marathon and a sprint at the same time and I know that everyone is feeling the pressure. Over the term break students will engage with trial exams and also some revision lectures in key subjects. I encourage all families of Year 12 students to ensure that you are having conversations at home about ramping-up to this important period. As well as planning to build momentum, it is also important to ensure that there is a clear routine for revision, and time to rest and recharge.
At the beginning of this term a number of successful information evenings were held to assist students with pathways planning and we have now collected 2025 subject preferences for students in Year 9 to 12. Work is underway to plan for student courses and consultation will occur with students where we may not be able to meet their initial preferences. This year we had a record number of students apply to undertake an ‘early start’ VCE / VET Enhancement subject in Year 10. In our recent Student Opinion Survey, the attitude of our students towards the important factors of Effort and High Expectations both had a positive endorsement of more than 70%. This is significantly above the state average and also above the average for similar schools. This is a great result and it shows a high level of aspiration and academic focus in our students.
I am pleased to report that we have seen an increase in enrolments for 2025 at Year 7. Next year we will welcome approximately 170 new Year Seven students to our school community and it is great to see families choosing Mill Park Secondary College. As well as our Year 12 students we will also farewell some students who will transition to other schools. Currently we have 7 students who successfully gained enrolment at select-entry high schools such as MacRobertson Girls College and Melbourne High School for Year 9 in 2025. While we will be sad to see them go these are highly regarded Government schools and I am very proud of their achievement in being selected. Well done!
Finally, On Friday August 30, our school highlighted ‘Wear It Purple Day’ with the Pride Flags flying at both campuses.
We are a safe school and continue to come together to create a more inclusive future for all. The theme this year was “Your Passion, Your Pride”, empowering LGBTQIA+ Youth to dream big and share, and there were a number of activities on both campuses to celebrate this. While we have made some positive steps forward in ensuring that we respect diversity as a school community, progress does not stop and I believe that we still have some work to do in this area – not just for our LBGTQ students, but also in the area of cultural understanding and stamping out racism. I ask for the support of all families in addressing these important issues.