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College Principal’s Report

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The last week of May is National Reconciliation Week. The theme of the week for 2024 is ‘Now more than ever’ and it is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue.

At Mill Park Secondary College we are very proud of our first nations students and I would like to acknowledge the fantastic contribution that they make to our school every day. I would also like to acknowledge that when it comes to closing the gap, truth-telling about our past, and in creating genuine reconciliation there is always more that we can do. This week at school there are a range of activities and events occurring including a smoking ceremony at our Middle Years Campus to raise awareness. If you have ideas about what more we could be doing as a College to support reconciliation I encourage you to contact me here at school as this work is ongoing.

Student leaders have been closely involved with supporting Reconciliation Week and to support their leadership capacity our Student Representative Council, Student Wellbeing Ambassadors and Students with Scholarships participated in a number of leadership training days which engaged them in a variety of voice, agency and empowerment activities during Terms 1 and 2. Through these programs, students developed their ability to implement change at Mill Park Secondary College; building their public speaking and pitching skills, their teamwork skills and their ability to reflect on past achievements and implement an action plan to ensure further success.

Our student Leaders now meet regularly as part of ‘Campus Advisory’. This new initiative allows students to interact directly with members of the school leadership team to discuss current issues, and identify ideas and actions to improve things for students on each campus. I have attended these meetings and have been very impressed by the thoughtful suggestions and advocacy that students have provided. We look forward to putting these ideas into action over coming weeks.

Our Year 10 and Year 11 students will soon be commencing their exams between June 7 and June 20. This is an important period for our students to develop their skills in managing examinations, revising their learning across their subjects and using the experience to reflect and set goals for future learning. If you have Year 10 or Year 11 students in your families I encourage you to discuss these upcoming assessments and ensure that they are ‘planning forward’ for success. Our Year 12 students are now coming close to the end of Unit 3 and I would like to congratulate them on their efforts across this semester. Year 12 English students will have a Unit 3 Practice Exam on June 26 and this also is an important learning opportunity.

Finally, I would like to remind families of the call-out for volunteers for our Performing Arts program which was made recently via Compass. As we are now moving into our new theatre we are seeking volunteers for a range of tasks for this year’s production: This includes everything from assisting with set construction, to costume, and front of house roles such as ticket sales and ushers.

A ‘Pre Production Working Bee’ will be held on Friday June 7pm between 4 and 6pm to help set up new equipment which has been purchased and any assistance will be appreciated. Expressions of interest can be made using this form. I will attend and I hope to see some of our school community members there.

Senior Years Campus – Principal’s Message

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Senior Sports

A range of Senior Sports have occurred this term with Senior Boys Soccer, Senior Girls Netball, Intermediate Boys Soccer and Cross-Country teams competing against other school in the area.

All students competing were a credit to the school through their commitment and sportsmanship.

The Senior Boys Soccer team won all of their games and will progress to the next round, to be played in Term 3.

On Thursday, a dedicated group of students competed in the Whittlesea district Cross Country.

Well done to everyone that competed. 

Year 11 Elevate program

There have been two Year 11 Elevate sessions run on a Monday afternoon to give strategies to help students study more effectively in preparation for exams. The first session was on Time Management and the second session was titled ‘Study Sensi’. 

Hopefully students take on board the tips that are given to them and they study more effectively before their mid-year exams. 

 HPV Grand Prix

The HPV team competed in the second of the Grand Prix series on Saturday 4 May. This time it was a 7-hour event, and our team came second in their division.

Well done all! Special thanks to the many parents that came along and supported the students.

International Students Cultural Excursion

On Tuesday 7 May, 30 International students went to the Dandenong’s to experience some of our Australian bushland. Half the students decided to do the Treetop Adventures while the other half had a more sedate train ride on Puffing Billy. The students thoroughly enjoyed this experience. The International program also welcomes a new Vietnamese speaking staff member, Thuy Duong who started this week. As well as this, there are up to 12 more international students expected to arrive next term.

Thanks to Haiying Pan, Lida Pour and Rebecca Miatke for their expertise in managing the International Students Program and English Language Centre.  

Homestay Families Wanted:

Would you like to broaden your horizons and bring the world into your home by opening your doors to students from different countries?

Our International Student Program is growing and Mill Park Secondary College is always looking for new homestay families for our overseas students. Comprehensive support is available from the school and each host family receives between $330 and $350 per week for boarding fees.

If you are interested please contact the International Student Program Office on 9409 8222 for more information.

Year 12 Creating Texts Workshop

On Wednesday 24 April, a group of nearly 40 Year 12 English students gave up an opportunity for a sleep in and attended a workshop with expert VCE English examiner Ms Felicity Gordon, in order to improve their understanding of the current Creating Texts unit.

Students engaged really positively with the content and had excellent questions for Ms Gordon. We are lucky to have Ms Gordon working with us on Wednesdays for the rest of the year. Students will also have the opportunity to book in a half hour session with Ms Gordon.

A similar event has been organised by some Year 12 students for Wednesday 19 June with speakers coming in to provide study tips for students.

Year 11 2025 VET Information Evening

On Monday 20 May, an information evening was held to provide information to Year 10 students and their families about VET classes for 2025. VET classes are designed to give practical experience in the field of study. For 2025, Mill Park Secondary College hosts VET in the following areas; Sport and Recreation, Fashion and Design, Community Services, Dance and Laboratory Skills. VET classes also occur in a range of different venues across the Whittlesea area. Students can enrol in a VET class as part of their VCE and if they intend on doing the VCE-VM course, they must enrol in a VET class.

If you want any more information about VET as part of a VCE course, please contact the school on 9409 8222.

Careers Expo

On Friday 24 May, a Careers expo was held in the Gym at the Senior Campus with more that 20 exhibitors. These ranged from the many universities, the defence force and the police.

Students in Year 9-12 all got a chance to talk to representatives from each of the stalls. Thanks to the presenters, students and organisers. It was a great event and students spoke very positively about their experiences and the information that was provided.

Year 10 & 11 Exams

From Friday 7 June, mid-year exams begin for all of our Year 11 VCE students. Students will sit a 90-minute exam for every subject with most of them under exam conditions in the gym. This will be a great experience for Year 11 students to get used to how to study for exams and also to experience exam conditions. At the end of their exams, many of the Year 11 students will also sit the GAT if they do a Year 12 class.

Year 10 students will also get the experience of studying and sitting exams for all subjects. These will occur from Friday 14 June until Thursday 20 June. They will also occur under exam conditions in the Gym but will only be 60-minutes long.

New signage at the Senior Campus!

On Wednesday 29 May, our new signage was installed at the Senior Campus to match the Middle Years Campus, keep a look out for important messages!

Senior Campus Curriculum News

On June 18 all of our students that do a Year 12 VCE subject will be required to sit the GAT.

The GAT is split into two sections:

Section A will assess literacy and numeracy skills

Section B will assess skills in mathematics, science, technology, the arts and humanities

GAT 1 All students are required to be at school at 8.40am this includes VM students.

GAT 2 – VCE students are required to be at school at 12.50pm in order to be ready to start at the reading time.

Why is the GAT Important?

Understanding the significance of the General Achievement Test (GAT) can help alleviate some of the stress associated with it. Here are a few reasons why the GAT is an essential part of your academic journey:

  1. The GAT Could Help If You’re Sick

The GAT acts as a safety net in case you fall ill or face unexpected circumstances on the day of your final exams. If you’re unable to perform at your best due to illness (e.g., breaking your wrist), the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) can use your GAT results to calculate a Derived Examination Score (DES). This DES is used to ensure your final results fairly reflect your abilities despite your health issues. While this doesn’t mean you can skip your exam entirely, it does mean you’ll be awarded the higher of your predicted DES or your actual exam score.

  1. The GAT May Be Used to Scale Your SACs

Since School-Assessed Coursework (SACs) vary in difficulty across different schools, VCAA uses the GAT and end-of-year exams to moderate these scores. If your school performs well on the GAT and final exams, your raw SAC scores might be scaled up to reflect this strong performance. This helps ensure a level playing field across all schools.

  1. The GAT Is Used to Double-Check Your Exam Scores

The GAT serves as a benchmark to verify your final exam scores. If there is a significant discrepancy between your predicted performance (based on the GAT) and your actual exam results, the Chief Assessor will re-mark your exam. This double-checking process can potentially raise your score, although it won’t lower it.

  1. Universities May Offer Places Based on the GAT

Some universities, like Monash University, may consider your GAT scores if your ATAR falls slightly short of the entry requirement for a course. Monash University, for instance, states that the GAT can be used as a supplementary measure of an applicant’s aptitude for a course, in conjunction with other admission requirements.

In conclusion, the GAT is not just another test; it plays a crucial role in ensuring your final academic results are fair and reflective of your true capabilities. So, give it the attention it deserves!

Dates to Remember

7th – 18th June Year 11 Exams

14th – 20th June Year 10 Exams

Tuesday 18th June – GAT

19th June – VCE Dance Night

25th June – VCE Music Night

Middle Years Campus – Principal’s Message

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It has been a very busy start to Term 2 at the Middle Years Campus.

Our students have already taken part in several programs aimed at supporting their social/emotional development in a number of important areas. These programs include: The Anti Bullying Presentation, The Drum Beat Program, Young Men’s program, Cyber Safety Program and Police Anti Violence program. Our student leaders have also taken part in a variety of training sessions aimed to support them to build their leadership skills and empower them to make meaningful change within their College. Later this term we will be offering the Big Sister Experience Program and Alcohol and Drug education sessions.

Our staff have also been able to take part in a range of professional opportunities including a Department led session supporting them to make reasonable adjustments in their classrooms, to cater for the range of mixed ability learners. They have also been busy learning to use the Compass report package as we transfer our reports to the Compass system this year.

Staff were also involved in running several Student Support Group meetings for a range of our students with additional needs. A big thank you to all staff, students and families who took part in these valuable discussions, to help us ensure we are able to target our student learning programs effectively.

Friday 10 May, was the opening of our Art Show, and this occasion was marked by a number of guest speakers and student performances. I congratulate all staff and students involved in putting together this incredible exhibition displaying the talent and commitment of our staff and student in the Arts area.

We continue to run weekly, highly prescribed school tours at Middle Years Campus, as applications for Year 7 2025 begin to be submitted to our local primary schools. You may have also seen several community boards advertising our school within the local area. Our goal is to build on the excellent foundations that underpin Mill Park Secondary College and ensure we are the school of choice in the area. Our focus is on continuing to develop the College in terms of its programs, facilities, and opportunities for all young people to experience individualised achievement, learning growth, care and support.


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Italian Education Awards 2024

International Student, Komalpreet is the second-place winner of Italian Education Awards 2024. She wrote a 700-word essay on “War” in Italian. The awards were offered throughout Australia under the patronage of the Italian Media Corporation (Il Globo, La Fiamma, Rete Italia. Il Globo TV).

Komalpreet and her father attended the awards night ceremony in Sydney on 27 April.

We would like to congratulate Komalpreet on this big achievement. Thank you for all your hard work, well-done!

Physical Education/Health

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Term 2 has been an extremely busy time in Sports at Mill Park Secondary College! So far this term we have sent out multiple soccer teams across both Campuses, badminton teams, netball teams, a Cross Country team, Athletics team and a Football team! With this we have been lucky to see some fantastic results.

Our Year 7/8 Boys football team did really well to come together and train regularly with supercoach Mr Brown. They fought endlessly and even the result did not go the way they hope all students stayed positive and celebrated the mini successes throughout the day.

Our Year 8 Girls soccer team however experienced great success on the pitch winning 10-0 and 6-2 in both of their games to progress through to the next stages. They have come together nicely and look to be a dangerous force in the next rounds under the guidance of first time coach Mr Teven!

Our Boys Year 8 soccer team were taken through some training master classes with Miss El however, on the day struggled against extremely strong opposition on the day. A huge thank you to Miss El who helped so much with soccer over the last 7 weeks! Our netball girls team in Year 8 fought endlessly and displayed all the amazing values of Mill Park Secondary College. They came up just short in only 1 game but should be so proud of their efforts and thank you to Ms Boyle for your coaching!

Our badminton team consisted of students in all year levels. All students participated on the one day which build an incredible vibe! Our Year 7 girls were the ones to make it through to the next stages but everyone enjoyed the event! Year 7 soccer and netball girls teams should hold their heads high in their events. We didn’t quite make it through but our girls all loved the experience. Our cross country team managed to have 6 students progress to the Northern Metropolitan Regional stages and athletics will see 10 students compete against NMR schools. This is a huge effort so well done to all involved! Coming up in Term 3 is basketball and table tennis which all have huge interest. Please be ready for your tryouts by looking for the notification on compass.

Well done to all our students and thank you to our amazing coaches.


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Senior Library Resources

New Study Materials for VCE

The Senior Campus Library has a new range of VCE support materials available for students to borrow. Students are welcome to borrow these materials to assist with their studies.

ATAR Notes – Topic Tests and Complete Course Notes

Cambridge Checkpoints

State Library of Victoria – Study resources                          

Librarians at The State Library of Victoria work with teachers to provide support materials for VCE students.

Research Essentials for VCE students is one of their most popular guides and includes a series of video tutorials on research strategies, how to use the research databases and how to navigate the State Library website.

A wide range of databases are also available for students to use via the SLV website. Students can sign up for a free online membership to use these databases.

Visual and Performing Arts

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NGV/Top Arts Excursion

On Wednesday 27 March, the Year 11 and Year 12 class attended an excursion to the National Gallery of Victoria. They joined an NGV educator who showed the top Arts folios and discussed the student’s inspiration and ideas expressed in their folios.

The Year 11 and 12 Art Making and Exhibiting students gained insights into the ideas, working methods, materials, techniques and sources of inspiration of a range of exhibiting artists in the Top Arts 2024 exhibition. They also viewed visual diaries created by students and the artwork at the Wurrdha Marra exhibition and the work by first nations artists. This exhibition encouraged the viewer to look at new ways of thinking about art and the students gained an insight into their art practices.

They thoroughly enjoyed the day immersed in art and culture!

‘SCHOOL OF ROCK’ College Production 2024 Rehearsals 

The production cast and team are continuing with weekly rehearsals, demonstrating their commitment to the show ‘School of Rock’ and are looking forward to performing it on stage in Term 3.

This is providing students with the opportunity to learn new skills and to develop a positive growth mindset in a supportive environment. Their involvement in singing, dancing, acting and playing musical instruments helps regulate emotions, develop positive relationships with their peers and teachers as well as a sense of identity. This has also shown to have many benefits including student motivation, engagement and well-being at school.

Year 10 Fashion

This Term in Year 10 Fashion Elective students have been learning how to use the sewing machines to make fabric using free sewing embroidery techniques. They then use this material to create a masquerade mask which were decorated using beading, lace, feathers ribbons etc.

Arts Festival: Art/Design Exhibition

The official opening of the Arts Festival was held on Friday 10 May and was a unique event that brought together the visual and performing arts, showcasing the talents of our students. The Art & Design Exhibition was not only the first time in many years that it represented work from Years 7-12 in one space but also the first one in our wonderful new performing arts centre. It was also the very first-time students performed in this exciting space and featured work created by Visual Arts/Design Technology students and Dance and Music performances.

Special thanks are extended to our esteemed guests: Minister for Climate Action/Energy and Resources Lily D’Ambrosio, former principal Trish Horner and Guest Speaker Jonathan Crowther. Artist/Cultural Collection Co-ordinator, Community Cultural Development Coordinator. We also express gratitude to the Jonathan and College Principal Tim Natoli who officially inaugurated the exhibition and acknowledged the dedication and commitment of the Arts staff and students whose contributions led to the success of this arts festival. Additionally, our heartfelt appreciation goes to the dedicated Visual & Performing Arts/Design Technology staff and student Captains, whose support was invaluable. Thank you also to the parents and students who attended the event.


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What’s new with Wellbeing?

We welcome our new wellbeing officer, Alexandra Burke, this term who will be based at our Middle Years Campus on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.

Welling team and contacts are:

Groups and Clubs at the College

Wellbeing Wednesdays – Creative club

Term 2 timetable

1st May

Paint by Numbers

8th May

Bag for Mothers / Significant Woman Day

15th May

Air Dry Clay 

22nd May


29th May

Reconciliation week art activity 

5th June

Shrink Keyrings

12th June


19th June

Paint by Numbers

26th June

Badge Making

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is available across the college, before school from 8am – 8.45am, as per below:

Middle Years Campus: Monday and Wednesday morning in Literacy room.

Lunchtime Girls Group

Following on from our International Women’s Day event last term, wellbeing staff are facilitating a weekly lunchtime girls’ group on Tuesdays in the Multipurpose room at our Middle Years Campus. It is an open group inviting all Middle Years Campus female/female-identifying students to have a private space to come together to explore any challenges they may be experiencing collectively and discuss female issues (e.g., relationships/friendships, personal safety, social skills, strengths and values, menstruation, etc). It provides an opportunity to connect with others in a relaxed environment over food and activities (e.g., mindful colouring, jewellery making).

Curriculum Programs

Sticks and Stones – Resilience and Anti-Bullying Program    

On Monday 29 April, Brainstorm Productions presented their student wellbeing performance ‘Sticks & Stones’ for Year 7’s in our Performing Arts Centre.  Students engaged in a live theatre experience that explores different forms of bullying and aggression, and encourages respect, assertiveness, and conflict resolution at school, at home and online. Students were challenged to consider the impact of their behaviour and develop strategies for managing emotions, seeking help, and building respectful relationships.

‘Sticks & Stones’ is part of our student wellbeing curriculum and has been developed by education and mental health professionals. This engaging theatrical experience uses humour, soundscapes, and physical theatre to capture students’ attention and inspire them to make positive changes. Key themes were followed up in the post-performance Q&A and classroom resources, to keep the important conversations going.

Optus Digital Thumbprint Cyberbullying Program

On Monday 29 April and Friday 3 May, Year 7’s and 8’s, respectively, participated in cyberbullying program presented by Optus Digital Thumbprint. It provided an opportunity for students to practice techniques to maintain respectful online as well as understand the social and legal impacts of cyberbullying, image-based abuse, sexting, and how to seek help. This program has been scheduled for Term 3 for Year 9’s during Week 1.

Alcohol Education Program

Gibber Australia facilitated an Alcohol Education Program for Years 8, 9, and 10 via a 30-minute live performance about a group of friends who find themselves in trouble because of their misuse of alcohol, followed by a 30-minute interactive workshop that provided students the opportunity to probe the cast on the issues raised in the performance. By interacting with the characters, students were challenged to think, “what if that was me?”. It also helps students with the facts, skills, and confidence to make better choices and develop a responsible attitude towards alcohol.


DRUMBEAT is a targeted program for up to 10 selected students at the Middle Years Campus, running during Term 2 and 3. DRUMBEAT explores connections between making music together as a group and the development of healthy relationships. The program builds resilience by increasing self-esteem, social connection, social skills, and emotional control. This program is run by an accredited Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) DRUMBEAT practitioner, with each focusing on a different relationship theme, such as identity and social responsibility, dealing with emotions, peer pressure, harmony, communication, and teamwork.

Special events and celebrations

National Reconciliation Week (NRW)

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements as well as how everyone can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The NRW 2024, Now More Than Ever, reminds us to fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, ongoing. This can be done in various ways, in treaty making, truth-telling, understanding our history, education, and tackling racism. We need connection, respect, action, change, and Now more than ever, we need reconciliation.

NRW remains the same each year (May 27 to June 3), as it commemorates two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey – the successful 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision which recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have rights to the land.

Across the College, Mill Park Secondary College are holding events throughout the week including:

  • Gold coin donation for free dress day, encouraging students to dress in the colours of the Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander flag), to raise funds for yarning circles at the College
  • Boomerang decoration / dot painting
  • Handprint artwork on a large canvas
  • Smoking ceremony at our Middle Years Campus, inviting Senior students to travel across at lunch time
  • Music from various Aboriginal artists played across the week during bell time breaks

Student and Parent Information

On Wednesday 1 May, we invited parents, guardians, and carers to an information session presented by DPV Health on Healthy Eating Active Living. Key areas discussed throughout the interactive workshop were:

  • The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating – building a balanced meal
  • Health star ratings not governed by a regulatory body
  • Examples and lists of various foods to ‘pick & mix’ for a healthy lunch pack
  • Tips to help teens eat packed lunches including involving teens in food activities and exploring why they may not be eating.
  • Shopping on a budget

DPV Health are our local community health centre that provides an extensive range of health and human services, including dietitians, physiotherapy, dental, occupational therapy, mental health, disability services, and more, across the lifespan (children, young people, and adults).

More information about DPV can be found here –

What’s On in the Community?


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Mathematics at Middle Years Campus

In Mathematics, students are continuing to work on their Number and Algebra skills. It has been great to see students working hard in class and engage in their Mathematics learning. Below are some examples of our students’ neat and tidy Mathematics books!

Numeracy for Life

The Numeracy for Life student’s are continuing to create their own products that they will showcase to staff and students at the end of the Semester. They have learnt to use Photoshop, Canva and Autodesk to design their products.

Forensic Science

In Forensic Science, students have learnt about DNA and how it can be used to profile criminals. They have begun working on their final assessment task for the Semester, in which they need to write a scientific report on a practical they completed. In the practical, students extracted DNA from kiwi fruits.

VHAP Masterclass

Our VHAP students have engaged in the online classes this Semester. VHAP stands for Victorian High-Ability Program, and is a 10 week course that challenges and extends student’s knowledge and thinking. Earlier in the year, our students completed a Masterclass at Whittlesea Tech, where they programmed robotic arms, piloted drones, and used Adobe Photoshop to laser cut keychains.

The Science Experience

The Science Experience provides 1, 2 or 3-day programs for Years 9 and 10 students who are interested in Science. This year, the Science Experience is running 4 different programs in Victoria throughout the year. These programs offer unique opportunities, and occur at different times over the year. If you are interested in any of the programs, please check out the website!

Australian Mathematics Competition 2024

We are excited to announce that we will be offering all Middle Years Campus students the opportunity to participate in the Australian Mathematics Competition again in 2024. The competition is running from Tuesday 6 August to Thursday 8 August. If your child is interested in participating, please keep an eye on Compass, as registration details will be posted soon.

GTAC Excursion: Year 10 Accelerated Science

In Week 2, our Year 10 Accelerated Science Class visited the Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC) to work on a Genetics Research Project Students undertook a 3-part course:

  1. An online course
  2. Visiting GTAC and generating DNA barcodes
  3. Virtual Learning Workshop to discuss their results

The results students have generated will be used by The University of Melbourne, giving our students the chance to contribute to a scientific research project

Well done to our Accelerated Science students for making a difference in science!


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Year 12 Ancient History

On Thursday 2 May, the Year 12 Ancient History students went on an excursion to the Hellenic Museum in the CBD. The purpose of the excursion was to participate in a workshop focusing on the Peloponnesian War. The objective of the workshop was to help the students understand the human element of the ancient war and how key individuals influenced the course of the war. During the workshop, the museum instructor guided the students in examining written sources and key artifacts located within the museum’s exhibits. Additionally, the students had the opportunity to handle typical weaponry used by soldiers during the war, such as arrowheads, swords, and slingshot pellets. This excursion was a fantastic opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of Ancient Greece. It will also aid them in the upcoming historical inquiry project where they will select a specific topic on the Peloponnesian war and conduct research on it.

Community Noticeboard

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