Mill Park SC Enrolment Handbook 2021

On behalf of the School Council, staff and students, I would like to welcome you to Mill Park Secondary College. At Mill Park Secondary College, we encourage all of our students to ‘Create your future.’ We support our students to do this by ensuring they have access to outstanding teachers and rigorous learning experiences held in specialist classroom facilities. Your child will participate in a range of educational and social programs, as well as having access to exciting and challenging extra-curricular activities. As part of the transition program, our transition team has worked to ensure that we understand your child’s achievements to date and their future learning needs. Mill Park Secondary College believes in the importance of establishing positive partnerships with families and offers opportunities to connect with their child’s teachers and the Mill Park Secondary College community. In this handbook, you will find information regarding your child’s enrolment to the college. I look forward to meeting you and welcoming your family into the Mill Park Secondary College community. Ms Trish Horner Principal Principal’s Welcome CONTENTS • MILL PARK SECONDARY COLLEGE 3