Mill Park SC Enrolment Handbook 2021

Mill Park Secondary College uses the Student Management software called ‘Sentral’ to manage all student data and communications. Students have access to their student portal on Sentral, where they can for example, access their timetable, daily announcements, reports, homework and communicate with their teachers. Parents have access to the parent portal of Sentral. Parents need only one log-on despite how many children they have at the college. Parents can access their child/ren’s timetables, attendance data, school reports, student homework and How to register and use Sentral User Manual Browse to the following website • Complete the form and select “Create your account” Parent/teacher Interview appointments and daily announcements pertinent to their child/ren. Once your child commences at the college, a letter will be sent to your home address providing you with the details of your initial parent access code (Family Key) that is required for you to create your account. When you create your account, you will be prompted to use your current email address and to set your confidential password. Please do not share this password with your child/ren. Please use the attached documents for instructions on how to register and create your account. Sentral Education Portal • Enter your Family key supplied in the letter sent home and select “Add Key” Education Portal CONTENTS • MILL PARK SECONDARY COLLEGE 25