At Mill Park Secondary College the specialised Senior Campus provides a more independent learning environment where students can pursue individualised choices in their learning, supporting them to navigate their pathway to the world beyond secondary school. While the campus has a strong academic emphasis, it also has excellent support for students – this includes mentoring and study support, careers advice and support, and specialist VCE teachers who are passionate about their subject areas and who go above and beyond to support their students to achieve success.

The structure and size of the campus ensures that students have access to a wide variety of subjects to suit their interests and future pathways. Most students undertake the VCE in their final years and enter University at a tertiary level, however, many students undertake the VCE Vocational Major and are supported to commence work related training, and a certificate-based VET study as part of their course. These vocational
studies occur on-campus, but also off-site at the school’s specialised trade training centre (Outer Northern Trade Training Centre) or at other local secondary schools. With a diverse range of students,
we are proud to be able to offer senior programs which respond to their varied needs and support their aspirations for success.

Year 10

Year 10 students design their learning course to suit their specific passions, career goals and pathways. As well as their core studies, they also choose five electives from over 40 options within the learning areas of English, Science, Mathematics, Humanities, Arts, Language, Technology and Health and Physical Education.

Year 10 students have the possibility of completing a Year 11 VCE or VET unit a year early and they are encouraged to do this where it is considered a positive
option for their learning. All students receive extensive course and career counselling throughout the year to
ensure they choose the most effective, challenging, and suitable VCE program.

Years 11 & 12

Students at Mill Park Secondary College can choose from one of the broadest and most comprehensive ranges of VCE, VET and VM units in the northern suburbs.
More than 50 units are offered. Students can complete a full VCE program, a VCE program mixed with VET training units, or a VCE Vocational Major program.

The timetable at the Senior Campus is designed to support independence and success. This includes no scheduled classes on Wednesday afternoon. During this block students complete formal assessments under supervision on campus, undertake study skills and subject based seminars, and receive individualised support for their learning. Students also complete VET certificates during this period which minimises clashes with their other studies.

The Senior Campus has a strong academic emphasis and has a comprehensive program of examinations at each year level, including trial exams and revision
programs for Year 12 students in their final year. Students also have access to multiple supervised study spaces including the Library and Senior Study Centre, and are supported to use these spaces independently to help achieve their goals.

VCE Units Available for Study

VET Units Available for Study (on campus)

Applied Fashion Design & Technology
Community Service
Laboratory Skills
Sport and Recreation

VCE Vocational Major

Vocational Major students receive a full Year 12 Certificate upon completion of their two year course, and study 5 strands:
Personal Development Skills
Industry Specific Strands
Work Related Skills
Vocational Major students also have the option of integrating VCE units into their program of study, if they choose.

University Extension Programs

Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES)
VCE Plus at La Trobe University

Subject Handbooks