Subjects |
English & Literacy |
Mathematics & Numeracy |
Science |
Humanities |
Health and Physical Education |
Italian / Hindi |
Visual Art / Dance Drama |
Information Technology / Materials Technology |
Engage |
Explore |
Clubs |
Year 8
In Year 8 students extend their learning in English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science, Health and Physical Education, and Hindi / Italian. Literacy and Numeracy lessons continue to support students to strengthen these core skills and enhance their learning across other subjects. Students also participate in semester long studies of Music, Food Technology, Visual Art, and Fabrics Technology, where they develop a wide range of skills before selecting electives in Year 9.
Subjects |
English & Literacy |
Mathematics & Numeracy |
Science |
Humanities |
Health and Physical Education |
Italian / Hindi |
Visual Arts / Music |
Food Technology / Fabric Technology |
Engage |
Year 9
Students in Year 9 expand their horizons by participating in a broad range of electives and special programs. As
well as their core subjects students can choose six electives from a selection of more than 30 across the full range of learning areas. Students have the opportunity specialise in areas of interest and try subjects they might be considering for their Senior Years.
Year 9 prepares students for their transition to Senior Campus, making appropriate and informed subject
selections and establishing pathways that support their future goals. All Year 9 students undergo Morrisby career testing and counselling, and participate in our City School Program, where they spend time in the CBD pursuing an inquiry project.
Subjects |
English & Literacy |
Mathematics & Numeracy |
Science |
Humanities |
Health and Physical Education |
Six units of elective chosen from all learning areas. |
Engage |
Explore |