Career development at Mill Park Secondary College aims to help young people develop skills, knowledge and attitudes to make informed decisions about careers and pathways. All students participate in a program of learning experiences that will help them manage their career and transitions in life.
Mill Park Secondary College has a comprehensive Career Development Program following the Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework. It is delivered to all students through individual and small group career counselling, Explore sessions at Year 9 and Connect sessions at Year 10, student and parent information nights as well as flowing through many of the core curriculum subjects.
With a dedicated careers team working across the senior and middle years campuses, students can make appointments at any time to discuss their individual goals and support needs. As well as providing advice on subject selections and career pathways, the MPSC careers team supports students with:
Parents are encouraged to take an active interest in their child’s career development. The school offers opportunities for interaction with the careers team at Parent Teacher Evenings, Open Nights, VTAC Tertiary Information Night and through the subject selection process each year. Parents can also contact the careers staff through the school office to arrange an appointment time.
Careers at MPSC has a dedicated website where students, parents and staff can access all information Careers related. It is a “One Stop Shop” for assistance with Career planning, information, VCE & VCAL, employment assistance, post school options – plus so much more! You can find it at
The Pathways and Transition Learning Specialist manages the careers program at Mill Park Secondary College, as well as providing advice, education and counselling to help students make effective and informed career and pathway decisions.
Mill Park SC has dedicated Career Practitioners to provide career information; advice, education, and counselling to assist students to make informed decisions regarding educational, training and employment choices during secondary school and post-secondary school. They also support students with the administration of Work Experience (Year 10) and Structures Workplace Learning (Year 11 and 12).
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