Expressions of interest
Expressions of interest for the 2026 school year will open early Term 2.
Showcase & SEAL Information Evening Tuesday, 1 April 2025
Select Entry (SEAL) and Accelerated Learning:
Students whose families wish them to be considered for entry into an Accelerated Learning Program will be required to participate in the selection process. This is open to all students who have been offered and accepted a placement at Mill Park Secondary College through the normal enrolment process.
The Higher Ability Selection Test (HAST) is an ability test designed to measure innate ability and academic potential. To register for the HAST ensure the expression of interest on the website is completed.
An application package will be emailed once registration opens in Term 3 to families that have completed an Expression of interest and selected Mill Park Secondary College as their first choice. The Registration Form must be returned with the testing registration fee to the Middle Years Campus General Office then the date specified on the forms in order to be eligible to sit the test. Registered students will complete the test near the end of August from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on the Middle Years Campus. They must report to the Middle Years Campus General Office by 8:45 am. (Dates for expression of interest, registration and testing will be released near the end of Term 1)
2. Referral Forms
Referral forms are to be completed by the candidate’s Year 6 teacher and parents. Teacher Referral Form will be emailed to the candidate’s primary school directly from the college using the email provided to us on the registration forms. The Parent Referral Form and Student Interest Form will be provided in the application package and must be returned to the Middle Years Campus General Office by the registration closing date to be eligible to sit the test.
3. SEAL Connection Afternoon
Students and Parents that have submitted the required registration forms and selected Mill Park Secondary College as their first choice for enrolment will be invited to a SEAL Connection Afternoon prior to testing day. Parents will attend an information session regarding the selection process and testing day while students will participate in a variety of activities in order for the school to get to know them better.
4. Shortlisting
Students whose referral forms and test results indicate that they are suitable for an Accelerated Learning Program may be invited, with their parents, for an interview. Final decisions will consider all available information, and candidates will be advised of the outcome by mid October.
For more information throughout the process please call 9407 9700.
Mill Park Secondary College is an accredited provider of Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) programs for gifted and high ability students. Students are selected for this program prior to commencing Year 7 and participate in an accelerated program from Years 7 to 10 that recognises their high potential as learners. SEAL students progress through year level subject content at an accelerated pace, allowing for additional time to be spent on mastery of skills, deepening of thinking through inquiry projects and enrichment activities that expose students to real-world problems.
Working in a setting with like-minded peers and skilled teachers, SEAL students are expected to demonstrate commitment to their learning beyond the classroom. Students are encouraged to participate in student leadership activities as well as extra-curricular programs that suit their interests (including sport, public speaking, and community engagement).
SEAL students are expected to undertake a minimum of one early start VCE subject in Year 10, with many students undertaking two. This provides students the opportunity to develop core study skills and habits and participate in a wider variety of VCE subjects by the time they complete Year 12.
Students that are enrolled in Year 7 for 2025 can apply to sit the SEAL entrance testing in Term 3, 2024. When opportunities for high-ability current Year 7 and 8 students to transition into the SEAL program arise they will be communicated with students and families.
Mill Park Secondary College offers an Accelerated English Program to a selected group of students commencing at Year 7. The Accelerated English program will mirror the SEAL English subject in terms of its text selection and degree of rigour. Students will study advanced texts and be exposed to a higher range of literary skills and techniques. In Year 10, Accelerated English students will participate in a hybrid course that prepares students for success in all three VCE English streams – English, English Language, and English Literature – with students encouraged to complete two VCE English subjects.
Mill Park Secondary College offers an Accelerated Science Program to a selected group of students commencing at Year 7. The Accelerated Science Program supports students to develop an understanding of important scientific concepts and processes in the Biological, Chemical, Physical, Earth, and Space Sciences. The Acceleration Science program is designed for students with above level Mathematical skills as well as a clear interest in Science and Technology. Accelerated Science students progress through the year level curriculum at a faster pace, allowing for deepening of scientific thinking through enquiry projects, scientific investigations, real- world application tasks. In Year 10, students will study an Accelerated Science subject incorporating Laboratory Skills and VCE Science preparation and are encouraged to accelerate into an early start VCE or VET science subject.
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