Students receive their subject allocations and booklists for the next year at the end of Semester Two. Extra copies of the booklist are also available at the general office on each campus.
Students involved in our SEAL program at Years 7-9 should use the links below to access their booklists, as they contain different resources. Please note that there is no separate booklist for SEAL students in Year 10.
How to Order:
The booklists contain the required resources which will be used in each subject throughout the year. Each year our booklist is reviewed to ensure that each item listed is used in class to improve student learning.
We strongly encourage families to use our booklist supplier, Campion Education, as they are the based locally in Thomastown and are able to supply all items listed on the booklist each year.
Parents can order their booklist items through an online ordering system or complete their order form and return it to the General Office. Booklist orders can be collected from the school on booklist day in January or you can purchase them directly at Campion Education’s store in Thomastown.
You can find out more about our booklist supplier, Campion Education, by clicking the link below.
Parents & students are able to buy and sell second-hand textbooks and other student resources through our Sustainable School Shop.
Please download the flyer linked below with more information about selling second-hand textbooks.
The Sustainable School Shop is an online service where you can buy and sell second hand text books, uniforms, calculators, musical instruments, sports gear and more.
Mill Park Secondary College provides a subscription to this service to the families at our school. Our uniform and booklists are uploaded to the system which makes searching for and selling second-hand items easy, fast and accurate.
You can learn more about this service by accessing the Sustainable School Shop website at: